Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Michelle Naidoo’s Personal Story

Our Stories - October 15, 2024

Personal Journey

1. Can you share your initial reaction when you were diagnosed?
I was speechless, I had no words. I (weirdly) was shocked, but not scared.

2. What treatment options did you choose, and why?
I went for chemo because the oncologist indicated I had spots on my lungs, liver, a lump in my breast and underarm.  She also recommended that I receive chemo to prevent the spreading.

3. How did you cope emotionally during your treatment?
I didn’t think about the unknown, which would create anxiety. I focused on the present. I had no negative energy and did not allow any negative thoughts to
consume me.

Support System

4. Who were your biggest sources of support during your journey?
My family was my biggest support.

5. How did your friends and family respond to your diagnosis?
My friends and family struggled with the diagnosis initially because they felt scared for me, but eventually were convinced that I could fight this, and the type of person I am would not allow me to give up hope.

Challenges and Triumphs

6. What were some of the most challenging moments you faced?
The fatigue and weakness from the treatments, which prevented me from doing normal day-to-day things. The loss of control in terms of my body and what it was able to cope with, was challenging.

7. Can you share a moment that brought you hope or strength during your journey?
My very first visit to the oncology unit, there was an angel figurine on the front desk and the message on it was, “always believe something beautiful is about to happen”.

For some people, losing their hair is the most challenging part, but for me, I embraced it. I even joked with the doctor that maybe my hair won’t fall out, she joked back and said, “you’re special, but not that special”. 😊

Insights and Advice

8. What advice would you give to someone recently diagnosed with breast cancer?
Don’t focus on the diagnosis, focus on staying positive and fighting the good fight. If your mindset is right, you can face anything. Surround yourself with positive people.

9. Are there any misconceptions about breast cancer that you’d like to address?
In my case I was initially misdiagnosed. My advice to other women is to follow their instinct, and if you are unsure, get a second opinion.

Lifestyle and Changes

10. How has your life changed since your diagnosis and treatment?
I look at things differently, I stay positive and live life to the full.

11. Did you make any lifestyle changes after your experience? If so, what were they?
I realised that prioritising family is important and that you should show the ones you love that you love them.

Awareness and Advocacy

12. How important do you think awareness and education about breast cancer are?
It is very important; people should be proactive and educate themselves especially if they have family history with cancer.


13. What have you learned about yourself through this experience?
 I’m stronger than what I thought I am and can conquer anything.

14. How do you view your future now compared to before your diagnosis?
To live every day with gratitude and appreciation.