Meet Our Team: Nadine Reddy

Meet Our Team: Nadine Reddy
1. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Patient, Considerate, Creative.
2. How would you describe your day job to a child?
I find the clever people that make all the stuff we like to eat. I help these clever people get their stuff to the stores so we can buy them, all while keeping it fresh, keeping it cool, and keeping it safe.
3. Why did you choose to be part of the Vector Logistics’ team?
Vector has emerged as such a fresh and energetic brand. It is adapting and evolving with the technological changes, trends, and transitions in the cold chain industry. I wanted to be a part of this innovative team.
4. What excites you about this role?
The scope at Vector is incredible. It excites me that I get to work with brands that are part of my daily life, and I can play a part in getting those brands from the farms to our forks.
I have mastered the ability to get my customers’ goods onto flat decks, tautliners, isotainers, and onto ships, abnormal vehicles, bulk tankers – and now, I get to deliver a solution that puts them on a fridge with wheels! Very cool.
5. How would you describe a high-performance organisation?
Where there is a united effort to be better, a clear vision of what ‘better’ looks like, and a structured plan for how to get there.
6. How do you keep yourself/your team motivated?
I practice gratitude quite religiously – that motivates me to keep a positive perspective in all my efforts. We cannot always control the outcome, but we can control the input. I focus on what I can do and doing it to 110% of my ability. I motivate others to do the same.
7. Do you have a mentor/coach?
I would say I have had lots of mentors along the way, each contributed to different facets of my life.
8. Given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
Who are the wealthiest women in the world? It would be her. I am just a girl after all.
9. If you were the CEO for a day, what would you change or introduce?
A recognition programme that rewards employee(s) of the year with an international vacation! Creating core memories in someone’s life is priceless.
On a lighter note …
10. What is your most memorable facepalm (embarrassing) moment?
Falling in the hallway at work. (I think any fall as an adult counts).
11. When was the last time you laughed so hard?
Russell Peters comedy show in Durban, 2024.
12. What is your guilty pleasure?
Wedgewood Nougat Ice-cream.
13. What is one thing people do not know about you?
The creative side of my brain is quite strong. If money were not the currency of life, I would be painting on an island somewhere.
14. If you could invite one famous person (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be and why?
Not a person, but the only one who can answer the questions that I am intrigued about is God.