Meet Our Managing Executive: Lynn Reddy

Our Stories - October 11, 2024

Meet Managing Executive, Lynn Reddy. Lynn believes in the importance of holding each other accountable for any unsafe behaviour/acts until safety is comfortably a part of our culture.

1. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Honest, transparent, passionate.

2. How would you describe your day job to a child?
Mommy learns something new every day while spending time with great people in a great company!

3. What does a typical day look like for you?
No one day is the same. A typical day is 100% different from the day before 😊.

4. What makes you proud to be part of the Vector Logistics’ team?
Vector Logistics has a clear culture of honesty and integrity, and it feels great to be part of something that aligns with my morals and beliefs. I am very proud to be embarking on this journey of transformation.

5. How would you describe a high-performance organisation?
An organisation that is all inclusive of both the employees’ and organisation’s well-being. An organisation that values everyone’s contribution and utilises all talents and skills effectively.

6. What does safety mean to you?
Safety is a way of life. We each have a personal responsibility to ensure safety within our environments, whether it be work or homelife. It is also important that we hold each other accountable for any unsafe behaviour/acts until safety is comfortably a part of our culture. “Prevention is better than cure!”

7. How do you keep yourself/your team motivated?
Communication is key! I keep myself informed and likewise I want to empower and take my team along with me on this incredible journey!

8. What do you like most about your job?
I like the people and the opportunities afforded to me daily to have a positive influence on the growth of this organisation.

9. Do you have a mentor/coach?
No, I do not.

10. Given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
Honestly, I am content just being me!

11. If you were the CEO for a day, what would you change or introduce?
I would introduce “Ask Keith!” It’s a platform that I was exposed to in my previous job whereby employees can post questions, comments or concerns they may have about the organisation, its people, etc., and the CEO would respond monthly.

On a lighter note …

12. What is your most memorable facepalm (embarrassing) moment?
As if I would really share this, lol!!!

13. When was the last time you laughed so hard?
I laugh DAILY! My kids and my husband were comedians or clowns in their previous lives, I’m convinced of it!

14. What is your guilty pleasure?
I love listening to music and sipping on a whisky.

15. What is one thing people do not know about you?
I sang and played the drums in my high school ensemble.

16. If you could invite one famous person (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be and why?
Author J.K. Rowling. She pursued her passion for writing even after receiving countless rejections. One of many examples of perseverance and resilience and believing even when it is so easy to just give up and accept defeat.