Meet Our Team: Lejean (LJ) Williams

Meet the Team: Lejean Williams

Meet Our Team: Lejean (LJ) Williams

1. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Down to earth, gracious, resilient.

2. How would you describe your day job to a child?
I help people find jobs where they can use their special powers.

3. Why did you choose to be part of the Vector Logistics’ team?
I chose to be part of the Vector Logistics’ team because I believe that people are the most important part of any organisation. When I did my research, I learned that the employees at Vector stay with the company for many years, which shows that the company creates a safe and supportive environment. This strong culture and focus on people made me want to be a part of it too.

4. What excites you about this role?
Everything! It’s rewarding to build a strong team and create a positive, inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. I get to play a vital role in supporting people in reaching their career goals while ensuring that the company has the best talent to achieve its objectives.

5. How would you describe a high-performance organisation? 
A company that has a strong culture of collaboration, transparency, trust, and continuous improvement, where employees are encouraged to share ideas and help each other grow.

6. How do you keep yourself/your team motivated?
I know it may sound crazy, but I give myself a pep talk … “you got this girl!” For my team, its words of affirmation and little gestures of appreciation.

7. Do you have a mentor/coach? 
Yes, I do. We all need that one person who is going to impart knowledge and wisdom, but also call out the areas of your life that require improvement.

8. Given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
The queen of England, just for the experience.

9. If you were the CEO for a day, what would you change or introduce?
I would introduce a 4-day work policy. 

On a lighter note …

10. What is your most memorable facepalm (embarrassing) moment? 
The other day in fact; I stopped at traffic light and thought the person in the vehicle next to me was an old friend. I was so excited, I hooted and waved, only I to discover that it was not the person I thought it was. I was so embarrassed I could not stop laughing … note to self, I will never do that again.

11. When was the last time you laughed so hard?
I feel like it’s the same example that I shared above, I laughed so much to the point that the tears were rolling down my cheeks. What I failed to mention was that my daughter was in the car, and she wanted to curl into a ball and run away, which is probably why I laughed so much.

12. What is your guilty pleasure?
Freddo ice-cream. The super caramel flavour.

13. What is one thing people do not know about you?
I lived in the UK for 3 years shortly after school. 

14. If you could invite one famous person (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be and why?
It would be Maya Angelou. She was a powerful advocate for justice, equality, and resilience. Her wisdom, compassion, and life experiences would make for an incredibly inspiring and thought-provoking conversation.